Sweet Lover!

The art of savoring sweet temptations lies in consciously choosing something special. This way, you turn a sweet moment into a true celebration. Even the most devoted savory fans can’t resist our treats. Discover a world of sweet surprises at FoodKitchen, from soft marshmallows and classic Dutch candy sticks to the most beautiful meringues in irresistibly soft pastel colors.

à Table!

Cappuccino Sprinkler Sugar/Cacao


à Table!

Cappuccino Sprinkler Sugar/Cinnamon


à Table!

Marshmallow Bulbs Pink/White/Red


Chocolade Bulk

Dark Chocolate Cranberries 5kg


à Table!

Marshmallow Hearts Pink/White



OREO Sandwich Biscuit Blueberry Raspberry



Spoon Milk with Marshmallows


De Pindakaaswinkel

Chili Pepper Lemongrass


De Pindakaaswinkel

Stroopwafel Cinnamon


Not Just BBQ

Beer Bread Tomato, Basil, Roasted Garlic


Not Just BBQ

Hungarian Goulash seasoning


Not Just BBQ

Boeuf Bourguignon seasoning


Not Just BBQ

Burger & Sausage Seasoning


Not Just BBQ

Sweet 'n Sticky Chicken Shaker


Not Just BBQ

Original BBQ Marinade & Sauce


Not Just BBQ

Chilli & Spice BBQ Marinade & Sauce


Not Just BBQ

Sweet & Spicy BBQ Marinade & Sauce


Not Just BBQ

Mustard & Smoke BBQ Marinade & Sauce


Not Just BBQ

Hot Chili Challenge Pack 5 x 50ml


Not Just BBQ

Smokingwood Hickory Chunks




Candy or sweet treats make unique moments extra special. They deserve a prominent place in FoodKitchen's extensive assortment. From traditional candy sticks and meringue clouds to surprising marshmallows as gifts or treats or to enjoy yourself. You will find an array of sweets to share at FoodKitchen.


The marshmallow treats from à Table! are ideal for lovers of soft sweets. These fluffy treats come in a variety of flavors and shapes. Think hearts, spirals, and pink balls. The à Table! Marshmallows are ideal for toasting over an open fire during a cozy evening or as a fun addition to hot beverages.

Candy sticks

FoodKitchen offers an extensive assortment of candy sticks in various flavors and colors. A colorful collection of candy sticks brings joy to young and old alike. The flavors vary: licorice, strawberry, cola, cinnamon, and more. The bright candy sticks are a tasty treat and fun decorations for festive events.

Did you know candy sticks were invented as far back as the early 17th century?



We cannot miss a perfect meringue in the FoodKitchen's assortment. Refined caster sugar and whipped egg whites baked at a low temperature, a match made in heaven. The artisanal works of art are soft and crunchy at the same time. Meringue Sisters use a unique recipe for their tasty assortment of meringues that are a true match to Italian meringues. They come in various designs, such as caramel cookies, lemons, and gingerbread. With their slightly crunchy texture, these meringues are a perfect addition to any sweet moment.

Celebrate festive occasions with surprising treats that you will never forget. Our assortment adds to the festive spirit of Valentine's Day, Easter, and Christmas, or choose your own moment to indulge. FoodKitchen is all about sharing delicious sweets and creating memories. Be tempted by our assortment of sweets and make every moment a celebration!

Are you interested in one or more products to complement your chocolate assortment? Fill in the contact form, or contact us directly with your questions. We are happy to help you

Foodkitchen's SHOWPIECE


The Choc-o-lait brand offers a wide range for making chocolate milk and has been FoodKitchen's showpiece for years. It is the absolute “grand cru” among hot chocolate. Stir the stick with the block of artisan Belgian chocolate and soft praline filling around in hot milk, and you will have some delicious hot chocolate in no time.



Chai lattes are totally hot, literally and metaphorically! This exotic drink has endless possibilities and is amazingly popular with consumers. For that reason, it is the best-selling brand in our range.

Available in various flavors and quick delivery from stock!