Frequently Asked Questions

In this FAQ you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions.
Is your question not listed? Feel free to send us a message.
What makes FoodKitchen special?
We are passionate, creative, and enjoy challenging the market with new, innovative products. Our mission is to constantly surprise you with something new. Additionally, FoodKitchen is a marketing-driven organization through and through. Your wishes and needs are central to everything we do. It's no coincidence that we primarily see ourselves as partners to our customers. This means we are flexible and creative in developing a suitable assortment together with you. Often, this also means providing customized solutions.
Does FoodKitchen sell its products to everyone?
No, definitely not. FoodKitchen is a marketing-driven organization. This means we critically assess where our products fit. Additionally, we consider the market area of our customers and ensure a good distribution spread.
Where do FoodKitchen's products come from?
FoodKitchen imports many products itself from abroad. Most products come from Europe. Think of countries like Italy, France, Belgium, and England.
How can I place an order?
Not a customer of FoodKitchen yet? Please contact us first. Then we can help you create a suitable assortment together. Already a customer? Orders can be placed through this website. Click on 'My FoodKitchen' to login.
Do I have to pay shipping costs?
For orders of at least €325 excluding VAT, we deliver free of charge, so you do not have to pay shipping costs. For lower order amounts, we are obliged to charge €15 excluding VAT for deliveries in the Netherlands.
Who does FoodKitchen supply to?
FoodKitchen supplies garden centers, department stores, delicatessens, coffee and tea shops, gourmet gift shops, lifestyle stores, kitchenware stores, bakeries, Christmas hamper suppliers, supermarkets, and hospitality wholesalers. Hotels and restaurants can also be supplied through hospitality wholesalers. Inquire about the possibilities.
What should I do in case of a complaint?
The products offered by FoodKitchen are manufactured with the utmost care by producers selected by FoodKitchen. However, if you are not satisfied with a product or have any other complaint, you can contact us by email ( or by phone: 0168-370338. For complaints about the quality of the products or other deviations or damages, we ask you to notify us within seven days after delivery, specifying the nature of the complaint and a specification of the product. We will then assess the complaint and, if necessary, forward it to the producer.